l 泰国易三仓大学Suvarnabhumi校区
l Suvarnabhumi校区地址:88Moo 8 Bang Na-Trad Km. 26 Bangsaothong, Samuthprakarn Thailand 10570
l 中国
河海大学,南京牛首山文化旅游集团,南京嘉智投资管理有限公司,江苏省决策咨询基地(企业国际化发展), 澜湄水资源合作中心,复旦大学,深圳大学,南京市商务局,中国电建集团装备研究院有限公司,河海大学浙江校友会,浙江乾冠网络安全研究院有限公司,华能澜沧江水电股份有限公司,中冶华天工程技术有限公司,朗坤智慧科技股份有限公司,汉能控股集团有限公司,Luceco Electrical (Jiaxing) Limited,上海材料研究所上材减振科技有限公司,南京金箔控股集团有限责任公司,国电南京自动化股份有限公司,中国电力工程顾问集团华北电力设计院有限公司,南京清木工程咨询有限公司, 国信弘盛创业投资有限公司,可缘商旅服务有限公司,中港电力有限公司,优尔西建材有限公司,前沿重工有限公司,岳创科技有限公司, 中国长江三峡集团国际投资有限公司, 山东清河建工有限责任公司,上善国际有限公司,上海方策管理咨询有限公司,上海恒鼎燃料有限公司,上实投资(上海)有限公司,红星美凯龙家居集团有限公司, 河海乾诚智能科技有限公司, 中国移动通信有限公司江苏分公司网络部, 中江集团国际公司, 悦达国际融资租赁(深圳)有限公司, 江苏利通建设管理咨询有限公司, 深圳市研华科技有限公司, 江苏海外企业集团, 江苏省人民医院等
l 泰国
易三仓大学,安美德集团,中国驻泰国大使馆,泰国中国总商会,泰国工业部,泰国东部经济走廊办公室,Chinathai Communication Construction Joint Venture Co., LTD., 长江航道局海外业务部,泰国CCTV,中国工商银行曼谷分行,中国南方电网泰国办事处,泰国康复开发有限公司, 国电南瑞科技股份有限公司泰国办事处,Summit Grade Ltd. Part,中国电建集团昆明勘察设计研究院有限公司泰国代表处, 长园集团泰国分公司等
l 柬埔寨
柬埔寨中国总商会,西哈努克港经济特区有限公司, 工商银行金边分行等
l 老挝
l 马来西亚
l 加拿大
l 国际组织
l 8月24日下午,注册报到、AODN理事会、国际组织互动、自由交流
l 8月25日上午,开幕式、主旨演讲、成果发布
l 8月25日下午,平行论坛、嘉宾对话、易三仓大学“一带一路”研究中心揭牌仪式
l 8月26日上午,安美德那空工业园参观考察
l 8月26日下午,自由交流考察
l 学者专家交流:论道澜湄与研究成果分享
l 海外江苏·上海·深圳:澜湄投资与商务机会
l 海外南京:中国智慧城/泰国东部经济走廊(EEC)
l 中泰教育合作:博士/博士后、培训、工程管理、企业大学
l 文化牛首山:佛禅文化、水文化、郑和航海文化
l 中泰MBA对话:澜湄国家合作创新创业
l 中交泰国:合作平台、工程项目及康养产业
l 网络安全:澜湄流域商务合作
l 校友互动:河海河海大学与易三仓大学
l 其他(可根据参会机构和人员的需要单独设立)
l 注册费:一般参会人员 400美元或2700人民币,学生200美元或1350人民币
l 住宿及交通: 费用自理
l 中国河海大学:
电话:+86(025)68514380 传真:+86(025)68514918
E-mail:wwv@hhu.edu.cn 微信:请搜索公众号世界水谷
联系人: 胡先生(手机:+86 18705160873);
朱小姐(手机:+86 18260050678)
l 泰国易三仓大学:
地址:泰国曼谷邦卡皮华马克Ramkhamhaeng 24路易三仓大学(华马克校区)592/3号,邮编:10240
电话:+66 (0)2-300-4543
E-mail:phdod@au.edu, rangsantrb@gmail.com
联系人:Ms. Seinn +66 (0)2-300-4543 (Ext: 3343)
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用餐情况 | 8月24日 | 8月25日 | 8月26日 | |||
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The 4th “Overseas China” Forum
Second Notification
Thailand ? Bangkok, August 24th -26th 2018
In the era that “The Belt and Road” Initiative is forging ahead strongly and Lancang-Mekong Cooperation is making remarkable progress, the “Overseas China” Forum will be held in Bangkok Thailand which is known as the City of Angels.
The “Overseas China” Forum is an annual international conference organized by Hohai University, China. “Overseas China” is a pattern, a synergetic network for Chinese companies going abroad, a synergetic entity of governments, industries, universities, research institutes, financing institutes, and cultural institutes, and a cross-border platform of innovation and entrepreneurship. “Overseas China” could synergize multiple subjects and elements to consult, contribute, share benefits, and grow together.
The 4th “Overseas China” forum is jointly initiated by Hohai University and Nanjing Niushou Mountain Cultural Tourism Group Co. Ltd from China, Assumption University and Amata Corporation PCL from Thailand. Delegates of government sectors, enterprises, academia, financial institutions, culture and media organizations from Lancang-Mekong countries will converge together. This forum focuses on topics of talents cultivation in Lancang-Mekong cooperation, construction of Eastern Economic Corridor in Thailand, city-industry integration, industrial investment, and so on. Understandings of policy as well as discoveries of opportunities will be shared on the forum. This activity aims at writing a new chapter of cross-culture communication, cross-border cooperation and people-to-people bonds.
We sincerely welcome participants from all around the world to join us.
August 24th -26th, 2018
l Suvarnabhumi Campus, Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand
l Address of Suvarnabhumi Campus:88Moo 8 Bang Na-Trad Km. 26 Bangsaothong, Samuthprakarn Thailand 10570
Intentional Participating Units
l China
Hohai University, Nanjing Niushou Mountain Cultural Tourism Group Co. Ltd., Nanjing Jiazhi Investment Management Co. Ltd., Jiangsu Decision-making Consult Base, Lancang-Mekong Water Resource Cooperation Centre, Fudan University, Shenzhen University, Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Power China Equipment Research Institute, Hohai University Zhejiang Alumni Association, Zhejiang QianGuan Information Security Institute, Huaneng LanCang River Hydropower Inc, MCC Huatian Engineering & Technology Corporation, Luculent Smart Technologies Co. Ltd., Hanergy Holding Group Limited, Luceco Electrical (Jiaxing) Limited, SRIM Co. Ltd., Nanjing GoldFoil Holding Group Co. Ltd., Guodian Nanjing Automation Co. Ltd, North China Power Engineering Co. Ltd. of China Power Engineering Consulting Group, Nanjing Qingmu Engineering Consulting Co. Ltd., Guosen H&S investement Co. Ltd., Keyuan Business Travel Service Co. Ltd., ZG Power Supply Co. Ltd., URC Construction Materials Co. Ltd., Forward Heavy Industrial Machinery Co. Ltd., Yuechuang Technology Co. Ltd., China Three Gorges Group International Investment Co. Ltd., Shandong Qinghe Construction Co. Ltd., Shangshan International Co. Ltd., Shanghai Founts Management Consulting Co. Ltd., Shanghai Hengding Fuel Co. Ltd., Shangshi Investment (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Redstar Macalline Group Co. Ltd., Jiangsu Hohai Qiancheng Intelligent Science & Technology Co. Ltd., China Mobile Communications Corporation Jiangsu Branch Network Department, China Jiangsu International Economic and Technical Cooperation Group,Ltd., YueDa Capital Co. Ltd., Jiangsu Litong Construction Management Consulting Co.Ltd., Shenzhen Advantech Co. Ltd., Jiangsu Overseas Group Corporation, Jiangsu Province Hospital, et al.
l Thailand
Assumption University, Amata Corporation PCL, Embassy of The People’s Republic of China in The Kingdom of Thailand, Thai Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Ministry of Industry (Thailand), Office of the Eastern Economic Corridor of Thailand, China-Thai Communication Construction Joint Venture Co., LTD., Overseas Business Department of Changjiang WaterWay Bureau, TCCTV, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China(Thai)Public Company Limited, China Southern Power Grid Thailand Branch, Wellness Land Co. Ltd., NARI Technology Co. Ltd. Thailand Office, Summit Grade Ltd. Part, Kunming Engineering Corporation Limited Thailand representative office, Changyuan Group Ltd. Thai Branch, et al.
l Cambodia
Cambodia Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Cambodian Sihanoukville Special Economy Zone Co. Ltd., Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited Phnom Penh Branch, et al.
l Laos
ICBC Vientiane Branch, Electricite du Laos, Laos Alumni Association of Hohai University, et al.
l Malaysia
Asia Pacific Investment Bank, Malaysia Study Overseas Services Center, et al.
l Canada
Canada Alumni Association of Hohai University, et al.
l International Organizations
International Federation of Scholarly Association of Management (IFSAM), International Federation of East Asian Management Associations (IFEAMA), Asia Organization Development Network(AODN), Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization South-East Asia Office (Thailand) , et al.
l August 24th, afternoon: Registration, AODN board meeting, Communications among international organizations, reception
l August 25th, morning: Opening ceremony, Keynote speech, Achievement presentations
l August 25th, afternoon: Parallel forums, Panel among guests, Inauguration ceremony of Belt & Road research center of Assumption University
l August 26th, morning: Field trip to Amata Nakorn Industrial Park
l August 26th, afternoon: Free Exchange
Subjects of Parallel Forums(include but not limited to)
l Sharing among Experts and Scholars: Research achievements about Lancang-Mekong economics
l Overseas Jiangsu·Shanghai·Shenzhen: Investments and business opportunities in Langcang-Mekong Region
l Overseas Nanjing: Introduction of China Smart City/ Eastern Economic Corridor of Thailand development
l Education,, Coop, eration between China and Thailand: Doctors/ Post-doctors, training, Engineering Management programs, and corporate university
l Niushou Mountain’s Culture: Introduction of cultures of Buddhist and Zen, Water, and Zhenghe Sailing
l Dialogues among MBA Students from China and Thailand: Collaborative innovation, cooperation and entrepreneurship in Lancang-Mekong Region
l China Communications Construction Company Ltd.in Thailand: Cooperation platform, construction programs, and health-care and pension industry
l Internet Security:Business cooperation in Langcang-Mekong Region
l Alumni Interactions :Hohai University and Assumption University
l Other subjects can be arranged according to participants’ needs
l Registration fee: 400 USD (2700 RMB) for regular participant, 200 USD (1350 RMB) for student
l Accommodation and transportation: Self-pay
Contact us
l Hohai University, China
Organizers: World Water Valley Institute, Business School
Address: No.8 Focheng West Road, Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, Post code: 211100
Tel: +86(025)68514380
Fax: +86(025)68514918
Website: http://www.worldwatervalley.org/
E-mail: wwv@hhu.edu.cn
Contacts: Mr. Hu +86 18705160873, Ms. Zhu+86 18260050678
l Assumption University, Thailand
Organizers: Office of Graduate Studies
Address: Assumption University (Huamak Campus), 592/3, Ramkhamhaeng 24 Road, Huamak, Bangkapi, Bangkok, Thailand, Post code: 10240
Tel: +66 (0)2-300-4543
Website: http://www.grad.au.edu/
E-mail: phdod@au.edu , rangsantrb@gmail.com
Contacts: Ms. Seinn +66 (0)2-300-4543 (Ext: 3343)
Hohai University
Nanjing Niushou Mountain
Amata Corporation PCL
Assumption University The Lancang-Mekong River Basin
The 4th “Overseas China” Forum
Your Information: | |||||||
Name | Gender | Title | |||||
Name of Organization | |||||||
Cellphone | |||||||
Meals Arrangement | August 24th | August 25th | August 26th | ||||
Lunch | |||||||
Diner | |||||||
Fieldtrip | Attend □ Not□ | ||||||
Other Suggestions | |||||||
Note: If you are interested in participating in this forum please contact us by emailing the receipt to phdod@au.edu before August 5th. Thank you and we are very much looking forward to you.